Management Consulting & Business Excellence Program

Management Consulting & Business Excellence Program

ATTACC © – a Business Excellence Model

What is a Business Excellence Model and how does it work? ATTACC © is a proven model that embrace all stakeholders and functions in your organization with sustainability as the ultimate objective.

The Business Excellence Model provides a framework allowing organizations to determine their current “level of excellence” and where they need to focus improvement efforts. Moreover, the Model helps to ensure that business decisions incorporate the needs of all stakeholders and are aligned with the organization’s objectives.

The Model acts as a common reference tool helping organizations move towards Excellence. Thus, the Model provides its users with a set of performance improvement tools in order for them to achieve and sustain results and Excellence . The Model is regularly reviewed to incorporate new ideas, concepts and learning.
“All organizations, both in the public and private sectors, are facing new challenges. The increasing pressure to compete on a global stage means that organizations have to elevate their excellence to ensure future prosperity, says Lars Green, CEO of GCG.
The ATTACC © Model provides a framework that encourages cooperation, collaboration and innovation that is needed to ensure sustainable growth”.

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